昨天看神經病 – 神經痛症,令人身心舒泰的不是會醫得好不是醫生的風趣幽默也不是打了支止痛針,而是醫生宣佈我體重略輕還有三磅的進食空間!
又係昨晚返學校BBQ,見識到何謂free rider之水面版(即扮也不扮也)。燒烤完畢,一面在他-們面前請他-們一起收爐掃垃圾洗杯洗碟,他-們竟然會一面話「唔好啦掛」一面拔足逃跑去打-籃-球,乖也不扮。這些cases,近兩年見不少,語塞。所以,有學生見我拿著掃帚便過來幫手的,加分。
"但單身上路成本較高" - hope all the hong kong guys read this line loud and clear.
I was a mediocre student growing up, never the teacher's pet nor was I the worst one, hence never got the attention. Then I was a Slow Poke (like the one in Pokemon). I think more than once I got accused of being lazy or shit like that helping out, which I think I wasn't, but being a slow poke and not having a pair of big eyes and dimples certainly hurt my popularity among teachers. So I am forever scarred and no amount of therapy helped.
But no, I didn't grow up like Naomi Campbell, wish I did...
those who can't blog comment,
嘩, Missy, 大恐嚇喎---但係好真. 而且正因風習如此, 有禮有風度識大體者, 更吃香. 勢利些講.
回覆刪除laichungleung: An experienced teacher / adult should be able to distinguish between shy students, students who disguise and students with heart. A teacher should give opportunities to all students to explore themselves - but those whom I saw on Thursday were those in disguise, constantly.
That's why I "hate" asking students to help with the school work... especially asking them to prepare display board!
回覆刪除Yes, when we interviewed those S5 graduates, we were sometimes "amazed" by reading a certificate with many "As" and "Bs" but still had to come to our school!
To share with you another case here. There was a student who got 2 As but failed in English in HKCEE. Our "usual" way of handling this kind of case was to give the student a chance to promote to S6 and ask him/her to retake English Cert Exam. But this student was not given any chance because when he was in junior forms, he was absolutely a trouble maker ~ to an extent that he had threatened the safety of the others.
So students, please must learn to take full responsibilty of your own behaviour.
attitude cannot be taught cos it could be born or learnt from parents..whatever the trend is, to be fair, there are still some out there who really help out. i do go BBQ with my students and fortunately, they are quite independent..i guess it depends on the persons..