金銀銅鐵錫互溝的化學反應固然有趣,但人文知識並非沒有價值吧。沒有基礎,如何看得更高更遠﹖站在巨人的肩膊上看,不是能看得更清楚嗎﹖或許,你覺得站在傅柯的肩膊上看有個屁用!不過你知道嗎,影印紙其實有著很美麗的名字。橙色的紙張不獨是orange,也可是gold。紫色有lilac, violet與lavender之分,藍色可以叫lagoon。影印房其實美若大自然,但如你只看到紙張是紙張,我能如何喚醒你欣賞世間的美﹖
will be teaching, though part time, very soon in the summer (teaching school teachers) and also in the coming fall term in university.
回覆刪除going back to teaching... i did teach for quite some time before i left to US 2 yrs ago.
so... thinking more about students lately. reading your post today reminds me of those thoughts... what do they need? by that i don't mean doing things that they think they need, or even things that future jobs need from them, but what they really need for a better understand of self and others, and so the society?
i hope after 10 years or so, they would understand the things you taught are not "uesless".
we have enough for the pragmatic ways of thinking in hk which has become such dominating sytems of thoughts that also makes hk such a fucked up place.
i teach art and cultural studies, which is considered even more uesless, seemingly...
yet, i insist that we need it. we need art. we need creative workss, we need to express emotions, we need to expose ourselves to thoughts and feelings and mood that can't be told/understood via words.
and... we need to share.
we need it, students need it and the society needs it.
trust yourself!
take good care,
所以,我還是要很老土肉麻地說,Miss Lee,努力啊。
還是這一句老話 -- 老師的一言一語, 是會植根於同學的心中, 只是發芽生長開花結果需時, 也要待適當的時機~
回覆刪除在茂密的森林中, 要下一代發芽生長, 只有在這片森林遭"催毀"後, 種籽才能有機會面向太陽, 茁壯成長!
這幾句那是語無輪次, 你這幾句著實引發我不少思想.
回覆刪除少年都是這樣的了, 懶的懶, 驕傲的驕傲... 總是極端.
不過miss lee 你也不要太自菲薄, 你的文字常常感動到不少人的呢, 好像我就是了.
actually your kids raised some very important questions. in adolescent psychology, it says, schools these days don't teach much "useful" subjects to prepare them for job. schools focus predominantly on the brainies, the kids aiming for colleges and universities. other kids cannot learn anything that can prepare them for a job after high school. then they end up unemployed because they don't have much job-related skills.
回覆刪除the german education system classifies kids when they're around 12 into three tracks. the first is to go to the university. the second is to go to a school that trains the kids for a sort of white collar job. then the third is the technical schools to train the kids for a blue collar job.
the aim of the german system is to make sure everyone will end up with a job that will suit them. sure in reality, kids drop out and end up without many skills you want them to have. but at least, kids have the options to choose a path that may suit their potentials and aspiration.
if we want our kids to be critical, to criticize your teaching and syllabus may be one good way to begin with. it's difficult to take criticisms though.
miss lee~~
回覆刪除由中一開始我已經好鍾意上你堂,覺得學到好多野,又可以擴闊視野。可惜到左中三又無左你堂,current issue科從此消失左。想讀既我又無得讀,有得讀的盧皓明先生又唔想讀,真係有小小浪費資源同心力。
Wow, you've a student leaving you such a heart-warming message above...
回覆刪除I just want to say that I feel your pain, even though the group I teach are all grown-ups, but sometimes it's even more disappointing to find that the adults who attend the programme voluntarily - thus giving me false hopes that they are really here to learn rather than being forced to attend by their parents - are actually interested not in the learning per se but the piece of paper that they could get at the end of the programme.
I think you will always get those people who will never see any value in the humanities and the arts no matter what their age and the efforts of the teacher. And it's probably not worth listening to such criticisms too much either because you have to remember there are other students in the class who would appreciate the work you do with them.
The subject I teach is research methods, and while I give them the technical skills of conducting research, it is actually more important to help them understand the assumptions underpinning social research - which means teaching them about the different research traditions, why statistics are not the be-all and end-all of social science, why there are immense merit in doing qualitative research, etc. etc. Some students appreciate that I give them more than what they bargain for, that I tried to make them think critically about the subject rather than just a course they have to do in order to get their degree; whilst others are exactly like some of your students, wondering what's the use of such "soft fluff" knowledge that apparently has no bearing on real life (but if they only deign to think for a moment, they would see that it does have immense significance in real life, especially if they are interested in generating useful and appropriate evidence for policies).
Life's not just about passing exams. As a teacher our job is to open the students' minds and develop their critical faculties rather than just furnish them with knowledge that they regurgitate later. Even blue-collar workers need humanities and arts if they are not all going to turn into anti-social hooligans - the finer things in life that we teach in the humanities and social sciences are not about fine material things but the spiritual and social. And we all need that individually and as a society.
So keep up the really good work that you're doing Miss Lee, as others have said above already, even getting a few young minds to start thinking and reflecting and questioning about the world we live in is already worth all the blood, sweat and tears that you have spent in preparing for the class. Take care.
I am happy for you. And frankly speaking, the satisfaction sometimes in a higher education level is less (but is more comfortable).
by the way, do you know if nowadays primary school kids learn 倉頡 or other chinese input method? I would like to find out because I would like to use the method that my son eventually would use. I am using 縱橫輸入法, but I don't know if primary schools would teach this.
Miss Lee,
最近,我到了大學堂作part-time lecturer授課,吃驚的是現今的學生們對上課筆記的要求,他們不愛翻參考書,即使我已提供了許多參考資料,但他們要求的是spoon feeding般的筆記,有同學說不夠長的筆記怎樣做essay?
"吃驚的是現今的學生們對上課筆記的要求,他們不愛翻參考書,即使我已提供了許多參考資料,但他們要求的是spoon feeding般的筆記,有同學說不夠長的筆記怎樣做essay?"
回覆刪除Spoon feeding!
還有...一次在大學堂教Advertising時,不知是否時間太早(9:00am的課),大部分的學生毫無反應,舉最顯淺的example(如問女生們有關化妝品的ads),問他們可有留意?同學們目定口呆...那麼問他們有沒有考慮畢業後從事廣告? 又是呆若木雞...那麼問他們為何要選讀這科,他們異口同聲說:這科是必修科目!
回覆刪除我是否入錯了班房? 難道我要棟篤笑完結我的課堂?
kajie,五師兄,SNOWDROPS︰有時教書,只感到自己的熱情被冷淡對待,很不好受。我會問自己,係唔係自己傳統古板老套,係唔係有generation gap。點解用心做一件事已不再被認為是基本求生技能,但是是但但卻是社會大眾默默接受的norm﹖
Be honest, 如果工作沒有了那份傻勁,根本不會有passion 把最好的做出來.我明白這樣會有點辛苦,但我情願作我認為對的事,至少我會感到自己敬業.
回覆刪除Miss Lee,這不是你的問題,而是整體香港人對自己工作/讀書的要求問題...我想分享的是,即使在商業機構,我和我的好友們也遇過不少毫無責任感的同僚,他們會質疑為什麼要這麼用心工作?(有些更是自己的下屬,你對工作有要求,他們會覺得你多餘,玩針對!)...氣結!...有時我會問:不如我收埋你份糧好嗎?
Pain and gain,從來都是雙生兒。