







掉轉頭講,是不是孩子和青少年人把成長的問題全丟給家庭背景便過骨呢﹖今日娛樂版話,名模Naomi Campell又打人。Naomi臭脾氣全世界都知,佢歸咎童年遭父親拋棄成為缺乏安全感的陰影。所謂心理學我不是專家,但人有自由意志,明知脾氣臭,咪自己用意志力解決佢囉,有童年陰影卻奮發自強的例子不勝枚舉,為何世界偏偏只有你一個咁慘﹖我真係唔識體諒。


27 則留言:

匿名 說...

學生做錯事話俾家長聽, 家長要知既只係你會唔會罰, 點教? 無得教!

匿名 說...


Nelson 說...

街坊報告,新移民家長不但沒有阻止兒子破壞公共屋邨照明燈柱,還惡言喝罵指責其子的老街坊,一如董建華的家長大駡各界反中亂港人士,劣質家長是國家社會風氣問題,Miss lee辛苦了。

匿名 說...

Miss Lee, let's cheer up each other!

Quoted: 信念是一粒種子





  有一年,一支英國探險隊進入撒哈拉沙漠的某個地區,在茫茫的沙海裏跋涉。陽光下,漫天飛舞的風沙像炒紅的鐵砂一般,撲打著探險隊員的面孔。口渴似炙,心急如焚 -大家的水都沒了。這時,探險隊長拿出一隻水壺,說:這裏還有一壺水,但穿越沙漠前,誰也不能喝。

一壺水,成了穿越沙漠的信念之源,成了求生的寄託目標。 水壺在隊員手中傳遞,那沉甸甸的感覺使隊員們瀕臨絕望的臉上,又露出堅定的神色。終於,探險隊頑強地走出了沙漠,掙脫了死神之手。大家喜極而泣,用顫抖的手擰開那壺支撐他們的精神之水 -緩緩流出來的,卻是滿滿的一壺沙子!




sunfai 說...

當年讀書時聽曾榮光教授講, 教育是充滿張力, 因為家長、教師、學生、general 的社會公眾都有不同的期望及利益。

聽的是後覺得很有道理, 想來這樣的評論加諸於前線的教師, 好像有點殘忍。

匿名 說...

miss lee : 真人真事。有位街坊,兩公婆都是土生土長專業人士。他的兒子愛破壞公物,當被其他人面斥,他必如老師你所言,愛惡人先告狀。每次要見家長,街坊一定同老師講,佢地一路認為佢愛兒有過度活躍症,我地對呢方面既無專業知識,又無時間理,身為老師你毫不察覺,唔需負責咩 ? 好一句 "過度活躍",街坊就把他們的責任彈回老師身上。

類似街坊,小燦已不是第一次見,而且這街坊都是受過高深教育的本地人,彷彿現代父母愛把教養自己兒女的責任老奉往全部往老師身上卸掉,兒女日常起居和 safekeeping 則由家傭照顧晒似的 。

匿名 說...

i feel what you feel...i had this experienced meeting parents last year..there's only one answer to this so-called problem: family education. parents have no excuse of not 'disciplining' (not in a bad way!) their kids, what do they expect the teachers to do? i wonder if the MAJORITY of parents are 'qualified' to be parents'?!

MissLee 說...


你話學校的制度和老師的教學法無責任咩,點會無。好似港燦個case,如果能夠因才 / 需要施教就最好,但一來我們沒有多餘的資源,二來你細個仲可以就個細路,但縱壞佢,佢睇日出黎個社會無好處。諗到呢到,我成日都覺得睇日晚年可能幾可悲。



MissLee 說...



laichungleung 說...

Delusional parents and their screwed up kids are a great combo and a guaranteed pain in the butt for their teachers.
Like any good practitioner of any profession, you do the best you can. I don't think any teacher can single handedly save any troubled kids.
Being a teacher of couse has its perks, some good teachers are like rock stars and idolized by their students, for a lifetime. I can't think of any profession, that is except rock stars, whose practitioners are so fondly remembered and adored by their fans.
Being a teacher can be very rewarding, that is, if you can stand the screwed up kids and their parents I guess.
Did I mention summer vacation is around the corner?

樂遊 說...

- 對著一些學生,我都一樣會想「如果你係我個仔我就星巴你」......「如果你係我個仔....我去死好了」
- 有學生打交,家長說「無理由ga...我個仔在家唔打人,好乖ga」....我很想說「well....大部分強姦犯不會在家中強姦母親的」
- 樂遊定律一:問題學生背後一定有個問題家長。
- 社會或會原諒學生70個7次,但學生會嘗試有無第491次、492次......無限次。
- 教師朋友向我說學生甲借錢數十給乙,一星期後要乙還數百....乙大驚,甲說...借錢要起釘。老師找來甲家長,家長大表認同「借錢給人當然要計息啦....」老師說「根據香港法律,利息不可高於若干,現在貴子弟收的利息已屬高利貸,犯法的,如果你們不改決定,我要去報警」....甲才免收利息。子曰齊之以刑,民免而無恥,學生甲之謂也。

匿名 說...

同事E, thanks! The story you quoted was SO touching!

I will add oil Ga-la!!!!!!

匿名 說...

Totally agree with you, hk!

Anthrokiki 說...

This piece of diary is impressive.

I am a mother-to-be, and I also believe that a portion of parents in HK are obessive to protect their kids. This is not about love, this is obession. (I quoted this sentence from 'The NY mom' from 'Sex and the city'.

I will alert myself for not emerging as a monster parent you described, thanks.

MissLee 說...


I like the quotation! 母親學做母親,老師也要學做老師,不斷學習才有意義,我真心相信!


匿名 說...

I think you are just another immature teacher. I would think it is time for you to quit the teaching profession.

It is not the first time I heard horrible Christian teacher, ignoring the rights of the Child.

I admit that the classroom situation is far from ideal, but it is not the students responsibility to fit into your desirable mode (stupid and quiet).

匿名 說...

To 匿名者:

Being quiet in the classroom is important NOT because it is the desirable classroom situation required by the teacher. The fact is, those noisy talkative students do not have the right to deprive others' right to learn in a quiet environment!

Also, simlply by reading Miss Lee's blog cannot grant you any evidence to comment Miss Lee as an immature teacher! This is just a nonsense comment!

匿名 說...

匿名者︰Miss Lee is not complaining about the students but their parents who spoil them - and may be you are one of those poiled kids!

Since you fail to catch the focus of Miss Lee's passage, I think you should go back school and take more lessons!

匿名 說...

the photo reminds me of Alien...
which makes you...薛歌李韋花

匿名 說...

OUTSIDER: You missed my point completely, maybe you are the one that need to take a few more lessons.

Miss Lee is a horrible teacher, she judged her students as 'spoiled' because they are not quiet little 'sheep' in class.

Give me a break! Kids are kids, they don't 'behave' according to this rigid horribe-Christian-standard doesn't mean they are spoiled. The way she talks about 'child abuse" in the "punishment" have already indicate how horrible she really is, as a person and as a teacher.

匿名 說...

OUTSIDER: You missed my point completely, maybe you are the one that need to take a few more lessons.

Miss Lee is a horrible teacher, she judged her students as 'spoiled' because they are not quiet little 'sheep' in class.

Give me a break! Kids are kids, they don't 'behave' according to this rigid horribe-Christian-standard doesn't mean they are spoiled. The way she talks about 'child abuse" in the guise "punishment" have already indicate how horrible she really is, as a person and as a teacher.

MissLee 說...


其實我真係幾horrible,講野大聲、巿井、懶惰、臭脾氣、不可無術、常常譭過於人、白字連篇,諸如此類。就因為我仲未係baptised既 Christian,係我唔好,我會耐心等候主的呼召然後去領洗的了。

嗱,我覺得咁,being quiet does not equal to lack of character. Being out-spoken also does not equal to having independent thinking.




匿名 說...

//Your words: 有些家長從小朋友小時候開始就「怕左佢」,不想破壞親子關係,不打不鬧只講道理,甚至包庇孩子的錯,處處找學校的碴來證實孩子「我本善良」,根本默許孩子的行為。//

I consider 不打不鬧只講道理的家長 as good parents, and you just another horrible teacher. It is not called 包庇, it is just respecting children human rights.

Even if you are baptised, you are still a horrible Christian, a horrible person, and a horrible teacher.

匿名 說...

Miss Lee, 真係唔明點解d人咁無聊, 為鬧而鬧!!! 傻傻地!

Waste Time!~

laichungleung 說...

I read this piece again, I think the gist of it is kids need to be disciplined at school and at home.

I don't read it as OKAY, let's beat the crap out of the kids to submission. No.

She might have said something in jest, in frustration, that hurt some parent's feelings. I think she actualy said discipline doesn't mean corporal punishment....

Have a good day.

MissLee 說...

HK: 我打完上面個貓,就收朋友叫我週五同週日返CHURCH啦,梗係去啦。我會乖乖地等的了。

匿名 說...

//She might have said something in jest, in frustration, that hurt some parent's feelings. I think she actualy said discipline doesn't mean corporal punishment....//

Well, I actually read it as "corporal punishment'. Isn't that what the HK mainstream Church promote? What other 'discipline' could there be when she said this "我有時發火,心裡想如果你係我個仔,我一早一巴扯過去。"

No explaination (or excuse) is necessary when this Miss Lee is just another church going child abusing Christian at heart.